Diagnosed as profoundly deaf from birth, Nix made the decision to embrace the hearing world fully by attending a mainstream school, rather than a deaf educational establishment and concentrated on lip-reading as her first language, rather than sign language.
“I wanted to fit in with the whole world and mix with hearing people because I knew it would be handy in life, helping me to communicate with hearing people and have more confidence in interacting with everyone” she explains.
This determination has underpinned Nix’s personality and formed a formidable determination to succeed and face challenges head-on.
The oldest of four siblings, Nix has a deaf brother (an internationally acclaimed dancer) and a deaf sister, and a hearing sister - bucking the trend really does run in the family. You might be surprised to learn that Nix, despite being deaf, can determine music through feel and she will wax lyrical about her favourite songs and bands.
Communicating with Nix is something that clients and friends get very used to very quickly and is nothing to be concerned about. Simply remembering to turn towards Nix with your face well-lit when you are speaking will ensure she can read your lips and understand you. Nix speaks very coherently, so you’ll know exactly what she wants you to do during your personal training session.
Nix was the sporty one in the family and was constantly on the move the moment she could run - always involved with sporting activities and involved with school sports teams. An early passion was martial arts and she soon gained her black belt in Karate, followed by black belts in Kickboxing, competing in fight competitions.
Falling in love with MuayThai over 20 years ago, Nix has trained extensively in the UK and also competed in a number of competitive fights and she will often incorporate Muay Thai principles into her training sessions.
With her infectious laugh, approachability, and enormous enthusiasm for her client’s successes, Nix will soon have you on your way to a better, fitter lifestyle.
Training & Qualifications
Level 3 Advanced Personal Trainer
Level 2 Gym / Fitness Instructor
Client Lifestyle & Fitness Assessor
Exercise & Nutrition Weight Management
Training in Outdoor / Different Environments
Strike! (Boxing & Focus Pad Work)
Core Strength & Stability
Ante & Postnatal Exercise & Fitness for Pregnant Women
Other Fitness & Nutrition Training & Qualifications
Muay Thai Boxer / Instructor
Extreme Kettlebell Instructor (EKI)
Weight Loss Management
Nutrition Advisor
Assisted Stretching & Flexibility Work
Toning & Weight Training
Martial Arts Belts Held
Stock Shotokan Karate Club (KUGM) Karate Black Belt Holder
ISKA (International Sport Kickboxing Association) Black Belt Holder